Information Technology

Web and Application Development

Our web development ranges from static outreach design to dynamic, interactive technologies. BQMI-Peerless Joint Venture 2 professionals manage the entire WordPress content development and maintenance for websites. We also support the use and integration of Oracle, jQuery, Adobe ColdFusion, iDashboard, SharePoint and Atlassian Service Desk.

Application developers, user interface designers and web-based application programmers develop and maintain a suite of web-based and mobile applications, and website content management systems. We support numerous application languages and frameworks, including .NET/C#, ColdFusion, HTML, CSS Bootstrap and Foundation, JavaScript, and jQuery. We apply an Agile-Scrum methodology to our application development projects, as well as develop and maintain software development process documentation and applications documentation (e.g. requirements, designs, data models, test plans, etc.).

Our front-end web developers use proven User Experience/User Interface (UX/UI) techniques to create visually stunning websites that are user friendly, search engine optimized (SEO), and responsive to a variety of screens and devices. They also offer a detailed website plan that includes site architecture, content strategy, structure and organization plan, and digital marketing/social media integration.

Database Administration

We perform data and trending analysis. Our staff provides support of the infrastructure that enables the NSC to collect, analyze, and disseminate knowledge, and are ready to provide those services to meet your needs.

End User Services

Our team provides help desk, customer service and end-user support. We organize and execute special projects, and provide reports and updates regarding tickets submitted to the help desk. Personnel provide asset tracking and administrative management of identified equipment via an asset management database. Asset tracking and administration provides information regarding new systems, refreshed systems, and system moves, reassigns, and de-subscribes. This information can be used to provide administrative assistance for equipment refreshes, invoice assistance and other actions pertaining to the administration of computation, communications, and printer assets.

Superior Customer Service and Quality Innovation

BQMI-Peerless Joint Venture LLC Provides Managerial and Technical Services to Our Customers.